Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is made of tiny silver particles suspended in a solution, offering antimicrobial properties that react to environmental conditions. Colloidal silver has been used for centuries and is considered one of the most important antimicrobial treatments. Colloidal silver also become very popular in the skincare industry. With its reputation as a bacteria guzzler, it’s popping up in more and more colloidal silver products that aim to kill bacteria and treat skin antimicrobial conditions.

Unlike silver salts, which are compounds formed by combining silver with halogens and used in specific commercial colloidal silver products, colloidal silver consists of pure, suspended silver particles. Colloidal silver proteins, a blend of silver particles and protein binders, are another variation seen in the market. While they may also offer antimicrobial benefits, their composition differs from pure colloidal silver.

Silver nanoparticles in colloidal silver have been shown to destroy over 650 microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and some viruses. Current scientific research suggests that Colloidal Silver works by sticking to microbial cells. Once attached they penetrate the cell wall and disrupt the bacteria’s ability to function. The effectiveness of colloidal silver often lies in its formulation, with colloidal silver ingredients being carefully selected for maximum potency.

Colloidal silver is often used for its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity. It comes in many forms, including topical solutions, nasal sprays, liquid solutions to be taken by mouth or used in the eyes, and intravenous formulations. Others also use colloidal silver supplements as dietary supplements for complementary and integrative health.

Most commonly, topical colloidal silver in skincare can be found in lotions and creams as it can be applied topically to the skin to fight against bacteria.

One of the most common questions asked is, “Is colloidal silver safe?” Unless you have a specific allergy to silver, taking colloidal silver should be perfectly safe. While silver is not classified as an essential mineral, its colloidal form is commonly used for topical applications and is generally safe for most skin types and ages, barring specific allergies.

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